Saturday, September 6, 2008

A tale of two elections

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will visit Governor-General Michaƫlle Jean tomorrow morning at 8:05 to ask her to dissolve the Canadian Parliament. Election day is expected to be called for Oct. 14. The federal election campaign will then take place over 38 days, two days over the minimum.

Meanwhile the US presidential election campaign has finally kicked into high gear with the two party's conventions having wrapped up with their tickets in place. The US presidential election process kicked off back on January 3 (with the Iowa caucuses) and will not end until the November 4 election date... that's a period 11 months in duration.

So the two election campaigns north and south of the 49th parallel will run concurrently now.

It is interesting to me that Canadians can complete in 38 days what it takes its neighbour to the north 11 months to complete!

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