Thursday, July 31, 2008

Downtown Toronto IKEA showroom now open

Yesterday I posted about the new downtown Toronto IKEA showroom opening. I can confirm that (following last night's VIP preview) it is open to the public today and that the hours (as posted on the door) are from 10 to 6 from today thru to Saturday and NOON til 5 on Sunday. After that it is gone, Gone, GONE!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dining Out Restaurant Review: The Six Steps

We had dinner Tuesday night at The Six Steps Restaurant, at 55 Colborne St (Downtown Toronto. Colborne St is north of Wellington and South of King-- located in the historical building block that extends West from Church over toward Leader Lane).

Gary and his sister Cathy joined me for this meal. It was not our original dining destination. We had a reservation at La Maquette—which has held over its Summerlicious prix fixe menu—which we decided not to keep when we arrived to find the legal marketing association (“Lexpert”) had commandeered their terrace (adjoining the sculpture garden) as a venue to was host a large n loud group soiree.

This was our second time dining at The Six Steps, having previously come here during the Winterlicious festival.

The Six Steps is divided into two rooms, a more casual lounge area in the East room and a more formal dining area in the West room. We were the first dinner group (having arrived at 6:35) seated in the formal West room. Thereafter, patronage was steady (if not busy), allowing for the fact that it was a midweek night. I imagine they draw diners from the central business district office workers during lunch and theatregoers (attending the St. Lawrence Centre and the Sony Centre) and guests of the Le Meriden King Edward hotel for evening dinner service.

The dining room ambiance is modern chic overlaid with traditional elements, such as dark hardwood floors and exposed brick walls. The tables are constructed of real wood with cloth linen table runners to protect the surface while leaving the wood on the table fringes exposed. Hanging on the wall behind our table were two large mirrors titled on an angle out from the wall at the top (which conveniently allowed me a discrete view of the plates served to adjoining tables).

Overall, service was prompt, friendly, helpful and unobtrusive. Our group consensus was that the food was of high quality. Our table candle was lit mid-meal as twilight set in. There was initially some disappointment in the menu selections insofar as the pizzas we had spied on their menu on a prior visit had been deleted from the menu we were presented with and that there were also no poultry entrees on it.

I ordered a beet and goat cheese salad plate as my appetizer. The presentation was amazing and the taste matched the appearance. The sticky toffee pudding dessert was likewise a meal highlight. I was less impressed with the tiger shrimp tagliatelle pasta dish I ordered as an entrée that came served in a bowl (the noodles were clumped together). Gary ordered the daily soup (potato leek) as his appetizer, a halibut fish plate for his entrée and a banana flame dessert. He enjoyed all of them. He noted that the fish fillets were served piping hot , were nicely crusted on the edges but were tender flaky otherwise. The ridge of lemon-mustard sauce greatly enhanced his plate presentation. Cathy passed on an appetizer but ordered a ravioli pasta dish as an entrée and followed with the same sticky toffee dessert as myself as a sweet. Her pasta dish impressed more than mine.

The tab averaged $60 pp including tip, coffee, plus a glass of wine (pinoit griggio) for Cathy and a mixed cocktail for Gary.

Made in Canada reality TV "scandal"

Simon Lee, a judge on CBC Television's reality show “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?”, was arrested by Toronto police on criminal charges over the weekend. The arrest arose from a “domestic dispute”. Toronto police have confirmed that the charges are assault and forcible confinement. Lee, a world renowned conductor and musical director, was part of a four-member judging panel casting an actress in the lead role of Maria for an upcoming Toronto production of The Sound of Music. Lee was absent from the last two show episodes, airing Sunday (featuring the final three “Marias”) and Monday (when the winner was announced).

Lee’s arrest followed a weekend incident in which a man (who claimed the musical director struck him and blocked his exit from a Hazelton Hotel room) climbed out a hotel window and crashed down onto the patio during the midmorning brunch rush in the trendy Yorkville area. A Hazelton spokeswoman confirmed an incident occurred at approximately 10:30 a.m. and that police were notified.

According to diners whose patio brunch was disturbed by the incident, a screaming match initially erupted between two men in a room above that was clearly audible to them on the ground floor below. A computer bag was then dropped to the road. Following that, a man climbed out the window, over the balcony ledge and scaled down to the next level balcony before jumping on to one of the restaurant tables. Finally, the man stormed off only to return shirtless about 10 minutes later, yelling at the restaurant patrons that he had forgot something. Police, summoned to the scene,(according to some reports by a 911 call placed by a third man present in the hotel room at the time of the incident), questioned the 24 year old man in the back of a cruiser before taking (a well dressed) Lee into custody.

Lee spent Sunday behind bars, was granted bail on Monday and made a brief appearance at the show’s wrap party that night. Jeff Keay, CBC’s head of media relations, confirmed that Lee missed the final two telecasts of the series due to his arrest, but declined to comment further. Lee appeared in a Toronto courtroom yesterday and is due back in court on Aug. 27.

Simon Lee was personally selected by show's creator Andrew Lloyd Webber to sit on the CBC’s Maria panel. In addition to Lee, the judging panel also included John Barrowman, the openly gay star of stage and screen.

The CBC reality show, a Summer ratings success, was based on the original BBC model used to cast the lead in the London West End revival of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, as well as "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and "Oliver!". NBC has also used the same premise to cast the leads in a Broadway production of "Grease".


A statement released on Thursday July 31 by Brown Lloyd James, a London public relations firm, on behalf of Lloyd Webber's The Really Useful Group Ltd., indicates that Lee has been fired as musical supervisor of the upcoming Toronto production of The Sound of Music.

The statement reads as follows:

"Simon is a very talented person who is extremely important to us. However, on this occasion we felt it was necessary to seek the termination of his engagement on The Sound of Music in Toronto. The alleged events are subject to legal proceedings and, therefore, we can't comment further."

Downtown IKEA showroom opening tomorrow

IKEA is opening a downtown Toronto showroom. It is located at 143 King St E-- a half block from our condo apartment, on the south side of King St. between Jarvis and Church, across from St. James Park.

According to the press release posted at the IKEA website, the premise will operate as a temporary promotional facility, used to display merchandise in connection with the launch / release of the new 2009 catalog.

The 1.5 floor showroom was a hub of activity when I walked by it today. In the morning a tradesman was in the process of replacing the gold leaf lettering on the windows that originally read "opening July 31" with new signage that reads "Style 2009". The billowing white "black-out" drapes hanging in the front windows were still in place when I passed by at NOON but the front doors opened a few times (to admit deliveries) as I was passing, allowing me a peek inside.

Based on what I spied then, it appeared they still have a lot of work on their hands to complete the showroom, if they hoped to be up and running in time for the "media only" sneak peak today. However when I passed by tonight, the curtains had been removed and there were people mingling inside. A truck out front was unloading large wide gift bags. And a team of black outfitted valets were standing in a row waiting to park cars.

According to an article in the National Post, the outlet will not be permanent. The posting at the IKEA website suggests that it will close August 3. It seems like much ado just to open a venue for a 4 day promo event (over the long civic holiday weekend when many city dwellers will escape the city for cottage country).

In any case. this observer plans to visit the showroom sometime over the course of the next few days and post a report at this blog for those of you who are unable to make it out for an in person visit! I expect the showroom will attract alot of traffic from the office towers in the downtown core over lunch hour on Thursday and Friday and will then attract some curious St. Lawrence Market shoppers on Saturday.

Free cab rides in Toronto!

A taxi promoting Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism, will be available on Toronto streets for the next three weeks, offering free cab rides. The cab comes equipped with a wide screen monitor showing video clips of scenery from the province and will dispense bottled water from NL sources. This marketing ploy is part of a campaign entitled"Get Carried Away". The cab driver is native Newfoundlander Melanie Mooney, who will talk up her native province to riders. To head off any environmental concerns, the cab will be green friendly, running on natural gas and carbon offsets will be purchased.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Realty TV Ratings (7/21-7/27)

I am a big reality TV fan and Summer is the time for the major US TV networks to air original non-fiction reality and game shows in place of re-runs of their Fall-Winter fictional series.

Below is a list of where the major original Summer reality series placed in last week's US prime time TV ratings. The first number is the placement out of the 97 programs that aired on the 5 major US TV networks last week. The column after the show name shows total viewers (2 years and older) and the column after that is the rating. For benchmarking purposes, the average program airing in US prime time last week drew 4.8 million viewers and the average rating was 1.7.


Although both America's Got Talent and Wipeout increased their viewership levels this week over one week ago, the latter narrowed the former's audience lead by 850,000 viewers

At the other end of the spectrum, ABC's Monday night all-reality slate continues to draw abysmal ratings as all of HSM: Get In The Picture, Wanna Bet and The Mole are bunched near the bottom of the ratings pack, along with the finale of ABC's Friday night reprise of the gameshow Duel (that we have likely seen the last of).

Greatest American Dog lost viewers again in its 3rd outing (which may explain why CBS has flipped it in favour of the weekly live elimination ceremony episode of Big Brother 10, which also scores better in the key demo, given Dog's older audience skew) . Likewise the audience for NBC's Baby Borrowers continues to erode from its higher debut levels

Original Summer Reality TV Ratings

FROM 07/21/08 THROUGH 07/27/08

2 WIPEOUT 9980 3.5
22 BIG BROTHER 10-WED 6220 2.2
25 BIG BROTHER 10-TUE 6070 2.1
27 NASHVILLE STAR 5850 2.0
28 BIG BROTHER 10-SUN 5840 2.0
46 BABY BORROWERS 4730 1.7
68 MOLE, THE 3350 1.2
74 DUEL 3120 1.1
WANNA BET 3120 1.1


Meanwhile for those readers who are wondering how Summer reality shows rate comparably in the Canadian market, consider the list below. Its Canada-wide for the week earlier (publication of Canadian ratings tends to lag the US market). Noticeably absent from tghe Canadian list is Americas Got Talent, whereas So You Can Think You Can Dance performs stronger than in the US. There are two Canadian produced series-- Canadian Idol and How Do you Solve a Problem Like Maria-- that also make the list.

The first number is the ordinal placement out of all shows (including fictional series) airing in the ratings week. The final number gives the audience levels in '000s

1 SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE 4 (Wednesday) CTV 1410
3 SO YOU THINK.DANCE 4 (Tuesday) CTV 1263
8 BIG BROTHER 10 (Sunday) Global 976
13 BIG BROTHER 10 (Tuesday) Global 863
18 WIPEOUT Global 801
22 BIG BROTHER 10 (Wednesday) Global 753

What price convenience?

Remember the days when nothing was controlled wirelessly by remote control?

The current car that Gary & I share is a 2006 Pontiac G-6. We've had it for about two years now and will probably keep it for at least another two. Its nothing fancy but its functional (has gotten us from point A to point B fairly reliably and economically (given rising gas prices) so far). It has approx 50,000 kms on the odometer. Its alot more spacious (for family outings... drove it down to Maryland for Summer vacation last year, have taken it on a few camping trips and have a bicycle rack that fits on the trunk) than our last car (a BMW 325)-- tho admittedly not nearly as stylish.

The car came with two "keyless car entry" key fobs which are battery powered. I am not sure what the usual battery life is on the fobs but one of them (Gary's) quit working a few months back. Initially, I purchased a replacement battery at SDM and attempted to replace it myself. After prying the fob open at the seam, I removed the old battery and placed the new one in. It did not work. I re-opened it as well as the other one that was working to compare the battery placement. I re-placed the battery to match the good fob and closed them back up. After that, the fob appeared to be working. But not for long. The very next day after handing it back to Gary, he complained that it was still not working.

Since Gary uses the car more than I do, I eventually swapped key fobs with him. A few weeks ago Gary took our G6 in for servicing to a GM dealership (needed a brake job). He forgot to see if he could get the key fob replaced while he was there. (Since the total tab was over $750, perhaps they would have thrown in a free key fob battery replacement for that price.) In any case, tired of having to open / close the doors manually (which is a real pain when the weather or your arms are full carrying parcels), I finally got around to taking the key fob in to a repair shop for replacement. I took it to Fax Fix Jewellery and Watch Repair at the south end of the Eaton Centre on the subway (1 below) level. I was familiar with this shop from bringing watches in there for battery replacement before. They complete the replacement job while you shop (in 5 minutes) and offer a 5 year guarantee (replacement is free) in case the battery fails during that period.

Even allowing for the 5 year guarantee (the value of which, since we may replace the car in less than two years. is rather dubious) the pricetag for the battery replacement seemed rather steep to me.. $25.94, including tax! I guess that is the high price of convenience? It sure doesn't come cheaply! On the upside, at least I don't have to worry about looking like a fool by forgetting where I parked my car in a mall lot (the car flashes its lights and sounds it horn in reply to depressing a fob button within range, to help you locate it)... perhaps avoiding embarrassment is worth more than convenience? Also, I plan to charge Gary back for at least half the cost (since it was, after all, his fob that failed in the first instance)! So perhaps $12.97 is a fair price? I dunno.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Condo reno (first in a series)

Gary and I are planning a reno of our condo apartment (which we have been in for almost 3 years now). The scope of the work we plan includes gutting the kitchen and master en suite bathroom, replacing the flooring (and baseboard trim) throughout and some electrical re-wiring to add enhanced (pot and track) lighting in selected areas.

So far we have completed our budget, secured our project financing and have received some design input. We have also discussed our project with two contractors and contacted two kitchen cabinetry design/manufacturing firms who are working on designs for our consideration. We have also been roaming throughout the city (mainly the Orfus Rd and Woodbridge areas) looking at various materials options.

Here is a summary outline of the work we plan to do:


-Replace all wood cabinetry.
-Replace the counter top (with quartz) and glass mosaic back splash
-Install built in oven and counter-surround electric cook top surface
-Replace the flooring with limestone
-Replace and relocate the sink (we currently have a peninsula with a round bar sink which is being eliminated in the re-design) and replace the tap/faucet
-Drop the ceiling to contain pot lights

Ensuite bathroom:

-Replace and enlarge the shower stall (shower to include bench and complete in wall shower system—the shower will extend forward into space that currently houses a line closet that opens into the master bedroom)
-Replace bath-tub with air jet tub (likely MAXX or Neptune) and add new faucet and bath filler
-Replace entrance door (currently wood) with glass panel and frame less door to seamlessly connect to adjoining enlarged shower
-Replace vanity, sink bowl and faucet
-Replace wall tile and flooring
-Install under flooring heating
-Install heat lamp in exhaust fan


-Replace laminate hardwood flooring and carpeting (in bedrooms) with engineered hardwood and install higher baseboard trim
-Install track lighting in living room
-Remove speckled living room ceiling and install flat ceiling
-Install pot lighting in hallway
-Relocate existing master en suite vanity counter top to 2nd washroom

I will post updates to this blog from time to time as we lock in our choices and as the various stages of work progress. We are (perhaps naively) optimistic of having much of the work complete before the new year.

Reality stars to co-host Emmy telecast

The following reality TV hosts have been named as co-hosts for ABC's 60th Annual primetime Emmy telecast on September 21st:

“American Idol’s” Ryan Seacrest,

“Survivor’s” Jeff Probst,

“Deal or No Deal’s” Howie Mandel,

“Project Runway’s” Heidi Klum


“Dancing with the Stars’”s Tom Bergeron

All five were nominated for outstanding host in a reality or reality competition program, a new category this year.

In other reality TV news, Big Brother is returning to Thursday nights. The live elimination ceremony episode will move from Wednesdays, flipping timeslots with CBS's Greatest American Dog.

Hollywood's box office wins streak continues

Its been a good Summer for the Hollywood movie studios. The Summer got off to fast start with the release of Iron Man back in early May and the more recent success of another comic book hero, Batman, is continuing the hot streak. So far a dozen Summer movies releases have grossed over $100 million at the domestic North American box office. (Movie attendance may slow down once the Olympics are underway.)

In addition to Iron Man and The Dark Knight (which will shortly overtake Iron Man to become the biggest Summer hit) the fourth Indiana Jones installment has also grossed over $300 million. Meanwhile, animated feature Kung Fu Panda is over $200 million and Pixar's Wall-E is likewise poised to exceed that milestone later this week.

Name recognition continues to be the secret to unlocking moviegoers wallets. Of the top 12 releases, three are comic book adaptations, three are sequels, two are based on book series and another two are based on TV series. The biggest surprises to crack the Top 10 are arguably Kung Fu Panda and Wanted. The latter and Sex and the City dispel the notion that only G/PG/PG-13 rated movies can attract broad based viewership.

In the list below, the 2nd last column shows the cumulative gross thru Sunday (in thousands of $ US) and the final column shows the movie's release date:

1 Iron Man Par. $314,905 5/2
2 The Dark Knight WB $314,245 7/18
3 Indiana Jones … Crystal Skull Par. $313,626 5/22
4 Kung Fu Panda P/DW $208,972 6/6
6 Wall-E BV $195,235 6/27
8 Sex and the City NL $150,854 5/30
9 Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian BV $139,745 5/16
10 The Incredible Hulk Uni. $132,543 6/13
11 Wanted Uni. $128,616 6/27
12 Get Smart WB $124,214 6/20

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dining Out: Milestones at Toronto Life Square

Gary & I had dinner at the new Milestones in the Toronto Life Centre at Yonge Dundas Square tonight. The Toronto Life centre is a complex located on the north east corner of the Yonge-Dundas intersection around the Ryerson bookstore and parking garage. Tenants started to open back in March. The complex's anchor tenants include an AMC-24 multiplex theatre, a Future Shop electronics store, an Adidas retail store and (below grade) a Shoppers Drug Mart and an Extreme Fitness gym.

The new Milestones is one of two full service eateries on the AMC theatre entrance level above the food court (the other is Jack Astors, where we have eaten three times previously). We wanted to eat al fresco out on their sky-terrace patio, which is long and slender shaped, extending in a north-south direction along Yonge Street.

The wait to get the patio table was very long. In the interim we were seated at the bar in the lounge to wait. The lounge is tastefully decorated with a full wall of floor to ceiling windows wall running along the south side offering views from the bar down to the street. There are also two very large video screens onto which sports were projected from overhead. The bar is made of white fleck acrylic composite material and is underlit with an orange-red colouring. A false fire alarm went off for about 10 minutes while we were seated there. It was loud and annoying. The manager came through to apologize for the disturbance and cheers erupted from diners when it was cleared. In the end, I was able to consume a pint and a half of beer while we waited for our dinner table. The potables of choice in the lounge appeared to be frozen Bellinis, pitchers of mojitos (served with fresh mint leaves and also available in a raspberry infused variation) and shots of vodka with red bull mixer.

When we were finally assigned our table outdoors, we were seated toward the north end of the patio at a small table for two. Although they have real wood plank deck flooring, the tables are of inexpensive construction (chrome metal legs and plastic table-tops with coloured pigments to resemble a wood grain). They have installed a clear plexiglass railing along the street side which allows an unobstructed view of the Yonge-Dundas intersection below. This is preferable to how they finished the railing at the Jack Astors along the Dundas side of the complex where the railing is opaque.

We ordered two appetizers from the menu as share plates (a trio of mini kobe beef burgers and some thai spicy chicken drumettes). Each of us then had an entree sized chicken salad, which featured cold thinly sliced chicken breast meat, red corn tortilla strips and cilantro, tossed in a honey-lime vinaigrette dressing with peanut sauce. The food was tasty and served hot from the kitchen.

The total bill for two was $91 including tip and three pre-dinner pints in the lounge.

Overall I would rate the experience as better than next door at Jack Astors. Rather than ordering dessert at Milestones we went down to the subway level to order gelatos from the Vici Gelateria and Café located there. I order butter-pecan and Gary had rum-raisin. Not as good as you get at Solferinos on Wellington St or at Soma in the distillery district, but still tasty for a chain store outlet.

The only eateries remaining to be opened in the TL complex now are Woos (which will be nestled between Milestones and Jack Astors on the 4th level) and the Johnny Rockets burger place which will be located on the ground floor on the Dundas side. I will look forward to posting a review of JRs, having previously eaten at the Fallsview casino location in Niagara Falls and other locations Stateside.

The biggest culinary disappointment about the Toronto Life complex is that the original publicity claimed a Wolfgang Pucks would be opening there but it has unfortunately not materialized.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ABBA hits #1 on US (Billboard) chart

In the wake of the release of the movie musical Mamma Mia, the CD "ABBA Gold" climbs from a 6-1 on Billboard's Top Pop Catalog Albums chart making it the Swedish quartet's first No. 1 album in the USA, 34 years after the group made its chart debut!

Obama an Olympic sponsor

Barack Obama’s campaign yesterday entered a deal with NBC to purchase $5 million in national ads to air during the Olympics, beginning August 8.


Poor government service

I took my son Ryan (aged 16) to write his knowledge test to qualify for his G1 drivers license yesterday. We went to the Service Ontario Centre on the concourse level of 777 Bay (College Park). This location has been open about a year now and the government release announcing it promises to “provide Ontario families with convenient one-stop access to the full range of government services”. In theory the concept sounds great-- you can do everything from applying for a birth certificate and health card to changing your name, registering your business and applying for a fishing license there. You can also write the MTO G1 Test of Knowledge—which is what Ryan was there to do. In practice, the experience left a lot to be desired!

We came away very unimpressed with the speed and efficiency of the service the location offers. The MTO website recommends that you arrive at least 1 hour prior than closing. We showed up at 3:05 PM and were given our numbered ticket by an attendant at reception. It was close to 4:30 by the time our ticket number flashed across the screen indicating that it was time to proceed to one of the almost 40 service wickets. At the wicket a vision test was conducted, ID was examined, a photo was taken and the $85 fee was collected.

After this initial screening Ryan was directed to a common room to write the test (which I believe is 40 questions in two parts testing rules of the road and traffic signs). Ryan emerged after successfully completing his test at almost 5:00! To top it all off, the temporary license he was issued has his home street address spelt incorrectly.

To my mind, this is an unacceptably long wait period and the service delivered was both ineffective and inefficient. I ended up losing over 2 hours away from work to assist Ryan complete the process. (At least I was more fortunate than the woman whose son emerged ahead of Ryan who claimed he had failed the exam (because he did not realize that questions were printed on both sides of the paper) and was told to report back and pay another fee some other day!) I am surprised they are still using printed paper tests at this location. I would have expected the test to be administered and automatically marked via PC terminals.

In summary, I cannot recommend attending this location if you wish to want the drivers Test of Knowledge. You might be better advised to go to the nearest MTO Driver Examination centre instead. Service Ontario could provide better, more timely service by completing the initial part of the application process on-line and /or allowing you to pre-book a time to show up to complete the process. The feds use this approach now for processing passport applications.

Even the lineups for rides and attractions at theme parks are not as long as at Service Ontario (and some issue Fast Passes that allow you to avoid wasting time by reporting back at a later pre-designated hour!)

In any case, Ryan now has a minimum of 8 months to wait before he can go for his first road test to get his license upgraded to a G2. If anyone can recommend a good driving school or instructor, references would be appreciated.

Obama maintains his lead

There is a new NBC-WSJ poll out that shows Obama maintaining his lead over McCain at 6 points in the US presidential race.

I am not surprised, as everything continues to swing Obama's way:

Obama's 9 day foreign trip is receiving favourable media reviews so far (as he moves out of the Middle East and into Europe).

Meanwhile McCain's age is being raised again as a result of numerous recent gaffes he has made.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CBS upgrades Flashpoint timeslot

CBS is shifting the Toronto filmed crime drama series Flashpoint from Fridays to Thursdays This move follows the first two episodes rating well and is designed to capitalize on higher viewership levels Thursday nights to further boost the show's audience base. CTV will continue to simulcast the show in Canada in its new Thursday night home. The show will bump CBS's other Summer drama (Swingtime) from the Thursdays @ 10 PM perch.

More Details:

Cruise ship design news

Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) have released entertainment venue information for their new F3-class ships (scheduled to begin service in 2010).

Among the announced venues are:

Ice Bar: Inspired by the original Scandinavian Ice Bars and Ice Hotels, this area will contain a bar, walls, tables, stools, glasses and life-size sculptures all made from ice. The cover charge includes use of a parka, gloves and a hat.

POSH Beach Club:

Adult guests who purchase a daily or weekly pass will access this luxurious and exclusive outdoor entertainment complex in a private glass elevator.

POSH by day:

Guests can lounge on the white-cushioned day beds in private cabanas and cool off in the 35-foot long cascading waterfall, with the dedicated POSH VIP Host and crew providing guest services.

Early Morning (6 to 9 am) – POSH Vive

Guests awake to yoga classes and body-and-soul treatments in private cabanas as the sun rises and the day starts anew.

Morning (9 to Noon am) – POSH Rehab

Guests can relax and recover from a night out with Salty Dogs, Bloody Mary's, and Mimosas combined with a soothing music mix.

Afternoon (Noon to 6 pm) – POSH Sol

“The best nightlife in the daytime” with guests lounging on day beds, enjoying sun and surf music, sipping on spiked snow cones.

POSH by night / Spice H20 (6 PM to late):

The complex becomes an open air night club, where guests enjoy sparkling drinks and VIP bottle service served on silver trays. Guests can dance all night to a DJ vibe or lounge on a POSH bed under the stars.

Bliss Ultra Lounge and Nightclub:

Featuring a bowling alley and casino gaming tables

Halo, the Über Bar:

A venue reserved exclusively for guests who book stateroom suites in the Garden Villa or Courtyard Villa categories.

Venue pics at this link:

A reason to subscribe to Superchannel

Canadian paycabler Superchannel is picking up Logo’s latest series, “Sordid Lives: The Series”. Based on the movie of the same name, the series stars Rue McClanahan, (recently wed) Olivia Newton-John, Caroline Rhea, Bonnie Bedelia and features Margaret Cho. It debuts tonight in the States! Superchannel appears to have not yet placed it on their schedule.

Further details:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Furniture Sale

In order to complete our upcoming home reno Gary and I are first clearing out a number of our current household furnishings at reasonable prices. All are good quality pieces in good condition. We don't want to have to pay to store them to avoid damage by the contractors. We will give discounts off the asking prices to friends.

The items are listed for sale at these links

4 poster metal bed:

patio table set:

round wood dining room table:

wood desk chair:

Hurricanes and cruises

We are scheduled to depart on August 23 for a 6 day cruise into the Bermuda triangle (on NCL's Norwegian Majesty, out of the Port of Baltimore). Gary, me, Ryan, Claire, Cathy (Gary's sis) and Taylor (Gary's niece) are all going. We are renting a van to drive down to Baltimore.

I am beginning to wonder what size waves we will encounter with all the hurricane activity so far this season!

Here's our planned itinerary:

Sun 24-Aug At Sea
Mon 25-Aug 03:00pm Wed 27-Aug 11:00 am ST. GEORGES, BERMUDA
Thu 28-Aug At Sea

Summer Reality TV Ratings

I am a big reality TV fan and Summer is the time for the major US TV networks to air original non-fiction reality and game shows in place of re-runs of their Fall-Winter fictional series.

Below is a list of where the major original Summer reality series placed in last week's US prime time TV ratings. The first number is the placement out of the 98 programs that aired on the 5 major US TV networks last week. The column after the show name shows total viewers (2 years and older) and the column after that is the rating.

For benchmarking purposes, the average program airing in US prime time last week drew 5.3 million viewers and the average rating was 1.8.

  • ABC's Wipeout continues to be the breakout hit debuting this Summer.
  • Greatest American Dog lost viewers in its 2nd outing.
  • (ABC's new Junior talent contest) HSM: Get In The Picture failed to attracted a fraction of the audience of the Disney channel movies that inspired it.
  • Big Brother didn't score well in its first full week airing episodes

List of most viewed reality series
FROM 07/14/08 THROUGH 07/20/08

7 WIPEOUT 8650 3.0
26 BIG BROTHER 10-TUE 6100 2.1
29 NASHVILLE STAR 5940 2.1
30 BABY BORROWERS 5930 2.1
31 BIG BROTHER 10-WED 5760 2.0
33 BIG BROTHER 10-SUN 5720 2.0
67 MOLE, THE 3600 1.3
71 DUEL 3280 1.1

A rating is a percent of the all television households in the USA tuned to a particular show (not to be confused with a share, which is the percentage of the TV audience watching TV at a particular time that is tuned to a particular program).

Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama's poll leads widens

I am following the US election closely and am a big Obama booster. His lead over John McCain has suddenly widened (to 6 points) in the latest daily Gallup tracking poll. Speculation is that this bump is due to his current swing to the MidEast and Europe.

Details below:

New Reality Series: The Search

The Search, a new 7 episode global treasure hunt series, will premiere in Canada on OLN on Sunday, August 3 at 8 pm.

10 contestants will travel to unique locations around the world to try to solve clues and uncover different symbols each week. The winner will receive $250,000 in gold.

CRTC Wireless auction... more competition soon?

The (multiple round) wireless spectrum auction is over.

Telus, Rogers and Bell bought up more of the wireless spectrum along with three regional CATV (cable) operators – Shaw Communications Inc. (West), Videotron-Quebecor Inc. and Bragg Communications Inc. (Atlantic Canada).

New entrants include

DAVE: a Bitove-Paul (Microsoft co-founder) Allen JV


Globalive: the Canadian distributor of YAK long distance (with Eurasian partner backing). Although the latter claims to have ambitious plans for building a 3G /4G network, Rogers may still maintain the GSM monopoly that delivered the iphone to their stable.

In any case, it will be several years before the new entrants are able to launch so there's unlikely to be much price-competition in the interim!

Can the Canadian market support 5 main national providers along with the regional cable companies (especially on top of the multibrands (Fido, Solo and Koodoo) and re-sellers (Virgin))?

More details:

Momma Mia smashes records

ABBA have returned to the top of the UK charts:

The movie also had the biggest opening weekend at the north american box office of any movie musical (narrowly edging last year's Hairspray out of the top spot) :

Emmy Preview?

The Television Critics Association Awards

Since 1984, the members of the TCA have voted for outstanding achievements in television. As professional consumers of the medium, TV critics are often the first to spot exemplary work in television. Time and again their choices have anticipated later honors from the Emmy and Peabody award panels.

The 2008 Awards were held on July 18th

TCA Award Recipients:

Winners of the 2008 TCA Awards, which were handed out at the Beverly Hilton Hotel and hosted by the Smothers Brothers on Saturday, are as follows:

Program of the Year: Mad Men (AMC)
Outstanding New Program: Mad Men (AMC)
Outstanding Achievement in Comedy: 30 Rock (NBC)
Outstanding Achievement in Drama: Mad Men (AMC)
Outstanding Achievement in News & Information: The War: A Film by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick (PBS)
Outstanding Achievement in Children’s Programming: WordGirl (PBS)
Outstanding Achievement in Movies, Miniseries & Specials: John Adams (HBO)
Individual Achievement in Comedy: Tina Fey (30 Rock, NBC)
Individual Achievement in Drama: Paul Giamatti (John Adams, HBO)
Heritage Ward: The Wire (PBS)
Career Achievement: Lorne Michaels


1st post

Welcome to my blog. This is my first entry! I hope to be a fairly faithful blogger.

Those used to receiving a high volume of e-mails from me may be relieved that they can just come here at their leisure instead now and we can avoid all that e-mail clutter / traffic!

I am feeling a bit under the weather today (slight cold and a case of the Monday blues).

We had a busy weekend. Details...

Friday night: Took the kids to see Journey to the Centre of the Earth in Real 3D at the Scotiabank (formerly Paramount) theatre at John & Richmond Friday night. It was very entertaining family adventure (if you can look past the implausible pseudo-science) and the 3-D effects were quite nifty. The theatre we were in was not packed as most theatregoers seemed to be there for the Dark Knight (which was playing in multiple theatres, including the IMAX theatre). It appears the Dark Knight had a record breaking first weekend at the box office. I plan to see it when the first wave of crowds dies down.


Gary & I spent most of the day (with Ryan and Claire in tow) scouring the Castle-field / Orfus Rd. area for tiles, fixtures and cabinetry for our condo reno. We also made it back to the East Liberty Market Deckla kitchen showroom to meet with Boris who had started on a kitchen design for us featuring Scavolini cabinetry. Boris's layout designs were somewhat surprising to us but it was pricing out within our budget so he is scheduled to come out to our unit later this week to get a better sense of our space. We have an estimate back from one contractor but are waiting for another for comparison purposes. The Scavolini cabinetry takes 4-5 months to arrive from Italy so our planned work schedule (we hope to have major work down when we are away on our Med cruise in late September-early October) may need some tweaking.

In the evening we went to see the movie musical Momma Mia. In addition to Ryan, Claire, Gary & I, Cathy (Gary's sis) and Marie (Gary's mom) also joined us. We had planned to go to the Cineplex Varsity in the Manulife Centre but the 7AM showing was sold out (checked on-line) so we went to see the 6:30 AM showing at the AMC theatre complex in the Toronto Life Centre (Yonge Dundas Square). We probably saved ourselves quite a bit $$$ wise seeing it at the AMC vs The Varsity as adult admission (with a Movie Watcher card) is only $11 there. We all enjoyed the show. It is getting good audience ratings Meryl Streep is amazing as Donna and while Pierce Brosnan's singing and Colin Firth's dancing are sub-par, its still a fun time. The Greek islands scenery is spectacular. We came out humming ABBA tunes. (Actually took the cars and parked in the municipal Green P parking lot underneath the square for the first time... it was reasonable... $6)

Sunday: After attending the 10:30 mass at St Mike's cathedral (Father Bush, the rector, was the homilist and delivered another great sermon), we headed down to the Top Cuts in the block on the South side of King (west of Victoria) for Ryan to get a haircut. It was pelting down rain. Claire & I ordered drinks and waited for Ryan in the Tim Hortons across the street. Following that we headed home, had lunch and did some housekeeping. (We have had to re-organizing storage since on account of our new master bedroom suite (queen bed with tall boys on either side) arriving from Casalife last Thursday.) About 3 PM we left to head over to the Rogers Centre. Gary had received free (CAW) vouchers from his Bombardier co-worker Donna for redemption at the Argos box office for tickets. We wound up with decent seats in section 114 just two rows below the concourse at around the 20 yard line (at the opposite end from the Jumbotron). I had taken the kids to pro basketball (Raptors), hockey (Leafs) and baseball (Jays) before but this was the first time we had been to a CFL Argos game. The Argos were outplayed thru most of the first half but came roaring back in the second half to take the lead with less than a minute reamining in the 4th quarter. The Argos wound up rolling up close to 550 total yards on offense and their QB ran for over 100 years on his own. The one negative... the cost of food at the concessions... I bought 2 chcken finger with fries and 1 chicken wings witrh fries combos and 2 drinks at half-time and only got a twonie back from two 20s! In any case, the kids came away happy! More game details: I dropped them back to their new Kilgour Estate condo home around 8:30 last night.